Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure Thirty-two - Friendly Takeover - Results

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    Mortius T-hawk Timmy zeka Sulla LKendter Kylearan mostly_
10 AD HQs x 100 500 400 300 300 300 300 300 200 100 300
  Branches x 10 50 40 50 70 40 50 40 30 10 30
  Foreign branches x 4                    
  Subtotal 550 440 350 370 340 350 340 230 110 330
1500 AD HQs x 50 350 300 250 250 150 200 200 200 50 150
  Branches x 2 122 184 170 214 114 90 84 24 6 30
  Size 5 Cities x 3 57 36 54 39 57 48 12 18 12 15
  Flips x 30 150 150 180 180 240 150        
  HQ Flips x 70   70 70              
  Subtotal 679 740 724 683 561 488 296 242 68 195
Endgame Turns x -1 -193 -220 -228 -199 -228 -259 -274 -236 -124 -500
  Domination x 200 200                  
  Branches x 1 61 127 103 107 67 146 111 28 3 5
  Size 10 Cities x 2 32 24 40 26 46 54 12 16 8 10
  Subtotal 100 -69 -85 -66 -115 -59 -151 -192 -113 -485
  Victory Dominationn Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Diplo Diplo Loss
  Year 1330 AD 1550 AD 1590 AD 1390 AD 1590 AD 1745 AD 1808 AD 1630 AD 225 AD 1210 AD
  Total 1329 1111 989 987 786 779 485 280 65 40

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At 1 AD [turn 115] (or on the ending turn if you win earlier):

  • +100 for every corporation you have founded and whose headquarters you control.
  • +10 for every active branch of any corporation you have founded and whose headquarters you control.
  • +4 for every active corporate branch of any corporation you did not found but has spread to a city you control. This includes a corporate headquarters, if you somehow managed to capture one. This only applies to corporate branches in cities that you own. If a city contains multiple foreign corporations, you get +4 for each one.

At 1500 AD [turn 210] (or on the ending turn, if you win earlier):

  • +50 for every corporate headquarters you control (regardless of who founded it).
  • +2 for every active branch of any corporation whose headquarters you control.
  • +3 for every city you control that is size 5 or greater.
  • +30 points for each AI city that flipped to your side as a result of cultural pressure. You may only claim these points once per city, even if it flipped multiple times and you may only claim these points for cities founded by an AI, rather than founded by you, lost or given to them, and flipped back.
  • +70 points for every corporate headquarters you control that is in a city that flipped to your side as a result of cultural pressure.

At the end of the game:

  • -1 for every turn it took for you to achieve victory. If you quit early or failed to achieve victory, you get a flat -500. So, if you win on turn 378, you get -378.
  • +200 if you achieved a diplomatic (UN) victory before 1 AD.
  • +200 if you achieved a domination or conquest victory without ever capturing a city using military force (only via cultural flip).
  • +1 for every active branch of any corporation whose headquarters you control.
  • +2 for every city you control that is size 10 or greater.

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