Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure 42 - Joy to the World

Sponsor: Sullla
Opening Date: Monday, December 7
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Fractal
Climate: Very Cold
Game Speed: Normal

Difficulty: Prince
Civilization: Arabia
Leader: Saladin
World Size: Normal
Opponents: Six
Victory: Any
Options: No Barbarians

Version: Beyond the Sword v3.19

Scenario: Get into the holiday spirit by spreading religious joy to all the peoples of the world!

Variant: You begin the game with the Holy City for all seven religions in your capital!

Scoring: This event has custom scoring. SCORING IS OPTIONAL. You are not required to track your scoring if you prefer not to do so. If you want to be scored, you need to document (via screenshot or saved games) all items that you claim for score, in case we call on you to verify any of your claims.

Scoring for this game is based upon spreading your seven religions to the most cities possible. For each city, score points as follows:

1 religion present = 1 point
2 religions present = 2 points
3 religions present = 3 points
4 religions present = 5 points
5 religions present = 7 points
6 religions present = 10 points
7 religions present = 15 points

Record your score at the end of the 1900AD turn; it would be a good idea to take a savegame from this date! Score points equally both for your own cities and those of the AI civs, they all count equally in this game. There are no penalties for conquering the other teams and controlling their cities yourself, however if you're building military units you probably won't be building missionaries, will you?

Comments: Players will have to decide whether to go for the full seven religions in a handful of cities, or fewer religions in many cities. Given the difficulty of getting six and seven religions into a single city, there will be a bit of a dice roll luck factor involved. Think about what will work best for your gameplan.

Although the starting position does not reflect it, the map has an extremely cold climate. Bundle up against the chill, and spread some holiday cheer - good luck!

Closing Day: Monday, January 4 (2010). Reports due by the end of January 5, your local time.

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