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"how to mod" questions

for a fast answer: the damage of firewall is equal base damage of firebolt (5).
for detailed answer: this is hardcoded. 2. immolation damage is hardcoded too. However both are not trickly.

(December 18th, 2014, 20:26)zitro1987 Wrote: _I want it to become tougher to take a city fortress. How is it possible to give +1 tohit/to defend to defending fortress units? Or add 2X skill to defending wizard?
It would be interesting to make range affect wizard skill as well as spell cost, but it would tend to make hero casting instead of wizard casting even more potent than it already is.

I agree with your analysis, in general Wizards exhaust their mana long before the combat is finished. It would be cool to speed up the increase of the Wizard's spell skill in the Magic Screen for all Wizards, even without the Archmage Retort.

i think the tweaker lets you edit the defense strength of city walls. i'm actually surprised the answer is not in the initial post, because i'm quite sure i also changed it in my mod.

(December 24th, 2014, 16:14)letsdance Wrote: i think the tweaker lets you edit the defense strength of city walls.
Yeah, but I think the idea was something about cities with a wizard's fortress, not about walls. It would be nice if the decapitation strike wasn't just the optimal way of winning.

I have an old solution to weak fortress on my HD, from ZiKy.
I thought I'd put that in next Insecti patch as an option, but then my life moved on.

These are my old notes:
"extra build: Fortress upon attack = 1 lightning bolt on random enemy target per round, strength = 2 + wizard's skill / 8 (capped at 30)"

You may use it, merge it with your patches. (Be aware of the possibility to use it as an exploit against AI opponents.)
Good luck. k

(December 25th, 2014, 19:11)kyrub Wrote: I have an old solution to weak fortress on my HD, from ZiKy.
I thought I'd put that in next Insecti patch as an option, but then my life moved on.

These are my old notes:
"extra build: Fortress upon attack = 1 lightning bolt on random enemy target per round, strength = 2 + wizard's skill / 8 (capped at 30)"

You may use it, merge it with your patches. (Be aware of the possibility to use it as an exploit against AI opponents.)
Good luck. k

I remember testing this in 2011/2012 and it looked like a pretty good solution.

However, I re-downloaded this, I left the file in the master of magic folder and it doesn't seem to activate the lightning bolts (I made multiple attempts of attacking capitols from a new game). Am I missing something?

(December 21st, 2014, 18:51)Zaldron Wrote: I agree with your analysis, in general Wizards exhaust their mana long before the combat is finished.
Certainly not my experience with the AI wizards on the last two levels.

So, if you change the level-up bonuses for ranged attack on a unit without a ranged attack, the adjustment doesn't apply. Modifying the byte 10 earlier (also 01) changes the byte which will be tested for being non-zero before incrementing (in this case, I wanted to increment byte 15 (save modifier for special attacks); on testing, a positive value functions as if it were negative)

*how do you halve (or remove) unrest bonuses from having troops in cities?
*how do you mod food upkeep from units? (it would be interesting for me if food upkeep is half of gold upkeep rounded down, letting cheapest units not be constrained by early food problems but expensive units consume a lot)

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