About RB
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Realms Beyond History and Philosophy
We're a community, not a clan, that are spreading across the traditional lines of game title and who are like-minded on several key points...
... to seek challenge and fun, not simply 'high score' or 'the most elite stuff!'
... to excel is virtue
... to look to become friends with those you play with
... to treat others with respect, whether you agree with them or not
... to steadfastly avoid cheating

You'll find at this site not necessarily a large volume of information, but what is here I hope you find valuable. The focus is on quality, not quantity. We're not interested in being a 'top site' or even have a large 'group'. But as we discover interesting new things about the game, we want to share that with others, especially if it involves greater challenge. Realms Beyond people (RBD - Realms Beyond Diablo, or now, maybe... Realms Beyond Diehards!) are one subset of a greater "Variant" community where we use **self-imposed** game restrictions to increase challenge, add a nice role-playing element, and push the game to its limits. If you're familiar at all with Diablo, you might know that a Sorcerer is fairly easy to play, in fact at high levels he can be grossly easy. Well try playing one who uses no items. That's a naked mage, and a nice variant. But why stop there?? Go Beyond!!! Wear no magic items EXCEPT cursed items!! See the player killers expression on his face when he sees your elite gear fall to the ground, like that Tin Ring of the Fool! You can't help but gain in skill as you learn how to master the "Beyond Naked Mage" (BNM).

Carrying that flavor over to all other games we play, we play not only regular games, but ones with honorable, and variant, rules. If you want to join an RB associated game, you do NOT have to be good. But if you're looking to learn, have fun, and can respect others in the game with civil posts and playing in a timely fashion, you're welcome!

Still hungry for more RB background history? Read on...

Realms Beyond According to Sirian

The Twisted History of Variants by LemmingofGlory

Interviews with RBers
The interviews have several objectives. First, there is that question: What makes a Gamer and what brought us all to the Realms Beyond?

The second purpose of these interviews is to let us get a chance to know one another better. While we all love to game, we do come from many different backgrounds. These interviews will let us get a chance to know the 'subjects' better, and the subjects get a chance to talk a bit about themselves. Some of us have been gaming together, in one format or another, for almost 10 years; that is a big chunk of our lives, whether we consider it to be 'real life' or not.

A further purpose of the interviews is to give those of us who participate in only one of the covered games here at Realms Beyond a chance to know people from the other forums. I know I am looking forward to reading about some of you who play Civ or MOO, who I have yet to get a chance to meet in a game.

Pete - Apr/09 by ShadowHM
Zed-F - Mar/2005 by ShadowHM


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 Interviews with RBers:

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Email:     Griselda   ||   KingOfPain
John Poon dot org