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Could have sworn we had a thread for this but couldn't find it.

Anybody have as particular recommendations for books to read?

Specifically I was half thinking about reading a few in the Star Wars universe. Anybody know what one would be best to start with (or if any are any good?)

(December 20th, 2012, 07:59)Jkaen Wrote: Could have sworn we had a thread for this but couldn't find it.

Anybody have as particular recommendations for books to read?

Specifically I was half thinking about reading a few in the Star Wars universe. Anybody know what one would be best to start with (or if any are any good?)

Well personally I enjoy Lee Childs series of books featuring Jack Reacher, after reading 2-3 you quickly realize that they tend to follow the same path but they are a good read nonetheless. Also since a film is coming out on the same series soon its a good time to familiarize yourself with the character etc if you haven't already.

As for Star Wars books, I've only read a single series of 3 by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire / Dark Force Rising / The Last Command) it wasn't bad and a Star Wars fan would like them. My main criticism would be one thats true to the franchise in general, that the content is very safe and afraid to take risks, I want my baddies to be total badasses and not comic book villains damnit!
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy is the best that the Star Wars Expanded Universe has to offer. And it's right after the original movies, so it's easy to get into for new readers. If you end up liking it, Zahn's written a couple more Star Wars books with the same characters.

Another good one is the Darth Bane trilogy, which is set 1000 years before the movies. It tells the story of the bad guys, but makes you root for them! Oh and it's written by Drew Karpyshyn, who also wrote the story for the Knights of the Old Republic game and the first two Mass Effect games.

(December 20th, 2012, 08:09)Dantski Wrote: As for Star Wars books, I've only read a single series of 3 by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire / Dark Force Rising / The Last Command) it wasn't bad and a Star Wars fan would like them. My main criticism would be one thats true to the franchise in general, that the content is very safe and afraid to take risks, I want my baddies to be total badasses and not comic book villains damnit!

Sounds like you would like the Bane books smile I think Thrawn was a great villain though, probably my favorite in all Star Wars.

(December 20th, 2012, 07:59)Jkaen Wrote: Specifically I was half thinking about reading a few in the Star Wars universe. Anybody know what one would be best to start with (or if any are any good?)

Haven't read any of them, but looking over the list of authors I'd recommend Pat Wrede's YAs (she's a so much better author than Terry Brooks it's not even funny), Terry Bisson's and Elizabeth Hand's Boba Fett books, Sean Stewart's Yoda book, maybe Brian Daley's Han Solo books (though they're quite old), Barbara Hambly's books (pity "her" trilogy has the middle book by Kevin J Anderson), and Vonda N McIntyre. Other people might have different criteria smile

If you want some books with a Star Wars-feel there isn't that much nowadays that I know of. Ryk Spoor's Grand Central Arena comes pretty close, though it's more a case of drawing on similar roots. The sequel, Spheres of Influence, will come out late 2013.
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(December 20th, 2012, 08:30)kjn Wrote: Barbara Hambly's books (pity "her" trilogy has the middle book by Kevin J Anderson)

I think it's quite universally agreed that the Callista trilogy is about the worst thing in the entire EU :P

For exciting space opera scifi (but not Star Wars), I would recommend the Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold.

As a more general recommendation, The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is my favorite book I've read recently, and one of my favorites ever. It's really-well-written fantasy.

The Chronicles of Amber series by Roger Zelazny is worth checking out if you're looking for a Sci-Fi series to sink your teeth into. Other than that, I think it's been a while since I recommended the Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson on this forum, so there you go. smile
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

For space opera, why not go back to one of the originals: the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov?

SM: I'm a big Zelazny fan, but I'd put the Amber books into the Fantasy bin rather than SF. Not that that should stop someone from picking up a great read.

I'll insert a plug here for my favorite books: the Book of the New Sun tetrology by Gene Wolfe. Not for everyone; it uses lots of very obscure words. Most can be figured out from context, but you're going to wear out your unabridged dictionary if you're compulsive about looking things up.

(December 20th, 2012, 08:42)Jowy Wrote:
(December 20th, 2012, 08:30)kjn Wrote: Barbara Hambly's books (pity "her" trilogy has the middle book by Kevin J Anderson)

I think it's quite universally agreed that the Callista trilogy is about the worst thing in the entire EU :P

Note that my entire basis here was to look for authors I've read and know to have written good books - I haven't read any of the Star Wars books. Though if one wants to say that Hambly didn't find her true voice until Bride of the Rat God and her historical mysteries (starting with A Free Man of Color) I won't argue about it.

Seven mentioned Bujold's Vorkosigan books, and the best of them are spectacular and the series have a very high lower bar, but calling them space opera is stretching the already stretched and much-abused label far past the breaking point.

I also wouldn't call Zelazny's Amber books sf - more high-concept fantasy. And I'd probably stick with the first five books.
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(December 20th, 2012, 09:45)kjn Wrote:
(December 20th, 2012, 08:42)Jowy Wrote:
(December 20th, 2012, 08:30)kjn Wrote: Barbara Hambly's books (pity "her" trilogy has the middle book by Kevin J Anderson)

I think it's quite universally agreed that the Callista trilogy is about the worst thing in the entire EU :P

Note that my entire basis here was to look for authors I've read and know to have written good books - I haven't read any of the Star Wars books. Though if one wants to say that Hambly didn't find her true voice until Bride of the Rat God and her historical mysteries (starting with A Free Man of Color) I won't argue about it.

Yeah I know, I read your first post. Just thought I'd throw it out there, probably not a good idea to start with the Callista trilogy.

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