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Archduke and Emperor K team thread

I have changed my dot map considerably, ill update the save, but I want 4 cities up north there instead of 3.

In the north
-al-biggamehunterbram - elephants
-al-WCaucasianturbram - russian mountain goats
-al-ibeflossinbram - diamonds
-al-bananapancakesbram - banana's

In the south
-al-mamothbram- lol elephants in the snow?
-al-castlebogbram - awesome russian tundra city
-al-reallycoldbram - decent russian city, will have some food trouble unless there is fish in the water.

Let me know what you think of the names and more importantly the locations of the new cities and districts when you get the save.

Also can you remove some of your markers in my area, i want to place districts down.

Will remove clutter and check your dots.

Also let me know what you think of my names, All are up for criticism!  lol

As far as settling pattern, will go
-bananapancakes (the barbs won't be finished in time I think)

I think that will be the easiest way to settle the area while keeping my settlers safe.

Next wave of settlers will tackle the south.

(January 16th, 2018, 15:00)Emperor K Wrote: Also let me know what you think of my names, All are up for criticism!  lol

As far as settling pattern, will go
-bananapancakes (the barbs won't be finished in time I think)

I think that will be the easiest way to settle the area while keeping my settlers safe.

Next wave of settlers will tackle the south.

Hmm, agree.

We could bigamehunter first, but it would be exposed and maybe we are lucky and that team tries to settle in our space whilst at war with Nubia.

Bananapancakes is too good.

We have too many spots you need to settle and settlers will become expensive. I would suggest -ibeflossin to be settled by me. It ties in better with Granada and also makes defending the W easier as I can cover one arm there.

Mamothbram would be your 4th and I love that spot for you.

@ Ownturn

Kinda worried about my warriorconga, the AI is very inept, but 2 archers could pose a problem. I am torn between getting archers myself or buying a builder, will decide next turn. Only one archer could actually reach Granada.

Bought a builder, need to get those settlers out and it is more likely you will get an archer to help me then myself. I need those slingers on settler patrol duty.

And I think someone is looking to snipe that barb camp. Doubt that is a CS so it will be the Nubia/England team. We may need to dow them to make clear this out territory. If they think about moving into our continent they should think again, or risk a 2front war.


OK i do not have time for a full report but,

There is a nubian warrior that can take the camp next turn, which is unfortunate. I did not dow but you may want to, I will kill his warrior if need be, but than that means we need archers so let me get your gold so i can upgrade when needed.

Settler done in holybram and second one in queue, I will settle bananapancakes bram first, than wcaucasianturbram. To two harvasts should be enough to get both of those settlers out in good time.

Are you sure you want ibflossinbram spot, it does work very well with my dot map and it will be a harbor in that sector. More scouting could come in handy but this northern area is the limit to my available fresh water / aqueduct area.

Please advise, I would like the spot but have no issues with you grabbing it, I was going to build another settler for the spot after this one, for 4 settlers total. I will settle a dot in the south with the settler from swampbram if you want that site.

Looking at the map I am going to try and get al-wcaucasianturbram first then biggamehunterbram second. I do not want nubia to keep me from those spots

Also I just did a test hot seat game with myself and

if you gift me cities the turn you found them and Then i gift them back immediatly you get the extra tiles from my russian bonus. So it is probably a good idea to loose the first turn of production / growth for the extra level 2 tiles, will save alot of gold I am thinking.

A nice plan, I like it, we will do that.

With the camp still up for grabs I am worried. What is the unit doing there? Why is he falling back. Please follow him with the warrior, let the slingers take care of the camp. I hope there is no forward settling done by their team, as with nubian archers an early war is something we want to avoid if possible.

Dowed Granada. Trader bounced back with road nearly done, nice. I can get to floss site very quickly now.

I can be persuaded but I think you have way too many city sites already we need to shoot for and I would like to make a small hansa/commercial hub with Granada up there if possible.


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