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Japper and Cornflakes' team thread

Your 3rd city is now up to 2 pop, I swapped the Citrus to it from the capitol and put the capitol's citizen onto banana. I chopped out the builder there, minimal overflow. I started a Monument there.

When are you able to start playing your saves again?

Need to remember to swap off Games and Recreation civic next turn since it should be at 50%. If you do play next turn and it is still just short of 50% please put 1 more turn into it to make sure that it completes as soon as you finish Construction (2 turns). I'm ready for you to complete it and give me the eureka.

Tommorow I hope to be able to play again, I'll then be moved into my new house as well, so should be able to continue without further problems

I'm back!

Hooray! it was getting tedious playing 2 turns

I'll bet, kudos for keeping it up for so long!

I switched of Games and Rec into Recorded History as it was 50%, should I finish second Campus for boost? I already have one.

I suggest passing on the eureka if you want to beeline through it. If you can wait then we could slip it in at the southern city, to the west. It’s not a great location next to the mountain but it will work. Would need a tile purchase now though but I’d rather preserve gold for unit upgrades. Our attack needs to succeed to get us back in this, and I’d rather go for that 100%. Once the stone is acquired we can harvest it through a policy card and build the campus there.

I finished Construction which finished Games and Recreation, I

[Image: 20180211204550_1.jpg]

Moving a Builder to HoD to chop a jungle into the settler for max overflow (well... apart from a 100% policy but I can't build ships...) I'm thinking of turning it into a triple Archer build (thus getting a second production boost on top of the already boosted overflow). I am building a Ngao in Jungle Book now that it has finished another Builder. With that and three archers out of capital or elsewhere, I'll have a total of 4 Ngao and 4 Archers (Crossbows?) when we attack.

Now for the important decision time:

[Image: 20180211204648_1.jpg]

Settler is ~2 turns from finishing with the chop, so where do I put it? I like the spot tagged "Maybe Here?" It can only be attacked from one side by Sulllaboy (it has cliffs on both sides so it can't be hit by melee boats) and it picks up an absurd amount of resources as well as blocking of that isthmus almost completely from further settlement. What do you think Cornflakes? I say it's time to be bold and grab that spot. Saver would be "Canal city 2" or even one of our backlines, but I don't see why we would do that.

Quote:I'm thinking of turning it into a triple Archer build (thus getting a second production boost on top of the already boosted overflow)

I didn't think that production modifiers affected overflow. I'm fairly certain that it does not.

Quote:Settler is ~2 turns from finishing with the chop, so where do I put it? I like the spot tagged "Maybe Here?"

I really do not like "maby here". Sure it wouldn't be a cakewalk to capture (until Frigates), but what value does it add to our empire? 3 first ring tiles, 4 2nd ring tiles ... the only non-bonus resource it claims is Truffles. The city has terrible food and poor long-term production.

"Canal City #2" is a little better but I still don't like it for your next settler. Long-term it is a halfway decent city, but it has absolutely nothing 1st ring. It needs the rice + 2 hills purchased to even begin contributing at all, and needs quite a few 3rd ring tiles purchased to really start returning the investment.

I'm eyeing the the spot 4E of Canal #2 between the two Stone tiles. We can spare enough gold to buy the rice tile, start an Archer (or UU) there first and then harvest the flatland stone tile to complete a Monument which will start picking up the Banana and Copper the 2nd ring hills. Probably harvest that 2nd stone right away as well

(February 11th, 2018, 18:56)Cornflakes Wrote: I really do not like "maby here". Sure it wouldn't be a cakewalk to capture (until Frigates), but what value does it add to our empire? 3 first ring tiles, 4 2nd ring tiles ... the only non-bonus resource it claims is Truffles. The city has terrible food and poor long-term production.

It also has the Spices to it's east and the Truffles across the bay as third ring, but sure, its main use would be strategic. If we settle at "Maybe Here" an Encampment on the other side of the Lake (2 N of Cattle) can secure that border completely and be a very discouraging place to invade through without boats/unit embarkement. There are already some units within our territory (note sullla's scouting Warrior already present in the screenshot), soon it'll be setllers and then we really are in trouble. The wide gap that is currently between Jungle Book and the rest of the landbridge also allows an army to just casually stroll to my capital.

The double stone spot is a decent city, probably the strongest I have available, BUT it is also a place we can always backfill to once we secure one (or both) of the isthmus spots. Settling at the stone means we just give up the entire region to Sullla and Singaboy, we really do not want them to get a foothold there, they have plenty of cities as is! I can also see a very good spot between my capital and Seoul, but I likewise haven't claimed it as we are in no race to claim that spot.

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