As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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RBP7 IT and Tech Issues Thread

Ok, I think we're online right now. I didn't see anything amiss when I arrived home in terms of the network or the server, though my altered desktop theme and open gadgets menu (I don't even know the shortcut for that!) suggests there was some fun slamming fists on keyboard going on earlier today.

It may just be some spotty internet this week. If it keeps up I'll restart everything and call Verizon if it still keeps up.

You could always disconnect the keyboard and mouse. wink

sunrise089 Wrote:Ok, I think we're online right now. I didn't see anything amiss when I arrived home in terms of the network or the server, though my altered desktop theme and open gadgets menu (I don't even know the shortcut for that!) suggests there was some fun slamming fists on keyboard going on earlier today.

It may just be some spotty internet this week. If it keeps up I'll restart everything and call Verizon if it still keeps up.

Hold the Windows key and press L to lock the keyboard. That prevents some of the fist slamming problems (it does nothing to remedy the variety where someone slams very hard and causes physical damage). Physical security FTW.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

I was having a strange problem when trying to connect to the game. I could choose my civ but then I get this screen:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0045.JPG]

After some tries, I managed to connect. But can someone explain me what happened?

I've seen that once or twice before. Basically it seems to happen when either the server or your computer is running a bit slowly for whatever reason. Usually that screen flashes by in a few fractions of a second and you barely notice it. When there's a delay on one end or the other, it occasionally sits on that screen for a bit. No need to worry about it at all. smile

You can either wait it out and the game should start itself after a little bit, or if it's taking too long you can click "Go Back" and try again later.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Lord Parkin Wrote:I've seen that once or twice before. Basically it seems to happen when either the server or your computer is running a bit slowly for whatever reason. Usually that screen flashes by in a few fractions of a second and you barely notice it. When there's a delay on one end or the other, it occasionally sits on that screen for a bit. No need to worry about it at all. smile

You can either wait it out and the game should start itself after a little bit, or if it's taking too long you can click "Go Back" and try again later.

Ok, thanks, that's most likely it (I was trying to connect with a very bad internet connection).

Ichabod Wrote:I
After some tries, I managed to connect. But can someone explain me what happened?

You straight faiil bro.  You think I don't see yuo in FFH14
? YO! I See you and raise you V\Bronze working yo!.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:You straight faiil bro.  You think I don't see yuo in FFH14
? YO! I See you and raise you V\Bronze working yo!.

Raise Iron Working dawg, yo!
Reply is down. If you're last one to act, please send a message here. T17 still running. There is 13h in the clock and HitAnyKey and SleepingMoogle left to play.

The new turn has started. Head on in and start it up! smile

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